
Distance Fixation Disparity Unit - IR Control

Distance Fixation Disparity Unit - IR Control
Product Code: SDT-369-IR
Price: £731.48

This very neat D.F.D.U. is housed in a flat case light enough to be fitted to a wall using Velcro tape. It is very modern in appearance, suitable for any modern Practice. The prismatic illumination employed is both bright and homogenous and is controlled via an IR Remote Control.

Each instrument is supplied with a polarised visor for the patient when viewing the complimentary 90/180 polarised screen. Also provided, is a patient image analysis card for the interpretation of the results. The D.F.D.U. may be viewed directly at 6m or indirectly via a mirror. 

This instrument is powered via the  12V plug adaptor provided. 

Weight: 1.5 kg 

Dimensions: 38.5 x 32 x 3 cm.