
Distance Fixation Disparity Unit - Switch Control

Distance Fixation Disparity Unit - Switch Control
Product Code: SDT-369-SC
Price: £548.30

This very neat D.F.D.U. is housed in a flat case light enough to be fitted to a wall using Velcro tape. It is very modern in appearance, suitable for any modern practice. It has been manufactured using LED Illumination, this ensures a brighter and more even coverage.  This unit is Switch Controlled.


Each instrument is supplied with a polarised visor for the patient when viewing the complimentary 90/180 polarised screen. Also provided, is a patient image analysis card for the interpretation of the results. The D.F.D.U. may be viewed directly at 6m or indirectly via a mirror. 


This instrument is powered via the 12V plug adaptor provided. 

Weight: 1.5 kg 

Dimensions: 38.5 x 32 x 3 cm.