
Dispensing & Workshop

Sussex Vision equipment for the Optometrist, Eye Doctor, Refractionist and Dispensing Optician Exophthalmometer, Focimeters, Frame Heaters, Placidos Disc, Pupil Distance, Selvyt Cloth, Stereograms, Vertex Distance

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Translucent Rule
This useful occluder effectively prevents the patient from seeing through whilst at the same time allowing the observer to study eye movements behind it. In addition, the following scales feature on the handle:    Rule in mm (0 t..

UV Lamp (Brewster or Woods Lamp)
This lamp is also known as a Brewster or Woods Lamp. It incorporates both ultra violet and white light which are operated via a switch on the handle. No warm up period is required with this lamp. The housing is made from sheet aluminium which is..

UV Lamp for SDW-512-U
UV Lamp for SDW-512-U..

Vertex Distance Conversion Disc only
Unique to Sussex Vision  This rotary slide rule Conversion Disc allows calculation of the equivalent effective power at alternative distances between the cornea and the lens. This is particularly useful to show the power differences caused by..

Vertex Distance Gauge & Conversion Disc Set in Pouch
Unique to Sussex Vision  This set consists of our Vertex Distance Gauge and Conversion Disc supplied in a practical wallet. This useful set resulted from cooperation between Moorfields Hospital and Sussex Vision. The Gauge is used to measure ..

Vertex Distance Gauge only
Unique to Sussex Vision This gauge is used to measure the distance between the cornea and the spectacle lens simply and easily. It can be supplied as part of our Vertex Distance Gauge Set (SGR-271-VDS) which also contains the Conversion Disc..

Bulb for SDW-528-S
Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bulb for SDW-528-S Bul..

Lux LCD Illuminance Meter (Inspected & Verified Calibration)
3251 Traceable® Dual-Range Light Meter Dual-Range Meter reads both lux and foot-candles on a large 1/2-inch-high display. An analogue output of 0.1 millivolt per digit allows readings to be captured by a recorder. Precision selenium photovoltaic cel..