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Reading Test Type (Modern)
Unique to Sussex Vision
This laminated card is not intended to replace the traditional version (SNT-300-L), rather to compliment it. This Test Type addresses the new requirements and needs of today’s patients. The differences are as follows:
- The type face is modern Arial. This is more in line with type faces used with computers and print in general. The Times New Roman is featured on SNT-300-L.
- The tests start with larger print sizes, progressing down to the smaller text to prevent discouragement of the patient.
- The largest text has been separated and appears on the reverse of the card for low vision patients.
- The musical staff has been reduced to a more realistic size.
- Numerals have been introduced to help with non-English readers and illiterates.
- A section of typical computer presentation has been added at a size consistent with a 15” monitor screen.
- The print size goes down to N4.