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Bi-Nasal Frosted Occluder
Bi-Nasal occlusion is used in treatment of patients with acquired brain injury which includes traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stroke, double vision, amblyopia, esotropia, convergence excess, divergence insufficiency, and visual over-stimulation/conf..

Clip-on Occluder
Durable, black plastic 45mm occluder that has metal spring clip to safeguard a patient's lenses. ..

Everlasting Occluder
This is a high impact resistant occluder which can be sterilised with most solvents or even autoclaved. Smooth contours make for easy cleaning. A very tough occluder.   ..

Freeman Occluderule in Pouch
The Freeman Occluderule is produced from a flexible non-shrinking plastic. This versatile tool can be used for the following: Pupilliary Distance (Frame and Facial) Distance Between Lenses (Frame) Inside and Outside Eyesize (Frame..

Headspring Occluder
Headspring Occluder   ..

Spectacle Occluder
This Spectacle Occluder is made of high impact resistant plastic and features a multiple pinhole flipper that can be moved out of the way to observe the eye.   The angled handle keeps the patient’s hand clear of their face. Can be sterili..