
Ocular Lenses

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Ocular Latina SLT Gonio Laser (Without Flange)
Designed specifically for Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty. 1.0x magnification maintains laser spot size for accurate laser energy delivery. Tilted anterior lens surface corrects astigmatism to maintain circular laser beam profile and give shar..

Ocular Magna View Two Mirror Gonio
The Two Mirror Magna View gives unsurpassed image resolution and magnification of the anterior chamber angle. The 1.45x gonio magnification provides fine detailed viewing of the anterior chamber angle structures. The second mirror reduces the ..

Ocular Mainster PRP 165
Four mirrors plus a central axis view give a complete view of the interior of the eye. Unique "depth dots" mark each mirror at the base for easy orientation. One dot, 62° (anterior chamber angle); two dots, 67° (ora serrata); three dots, 76° ..

Ocular Abraham Capsulotomy
Stabilizes the patient's eye and minimizes the possibility of pitting the IOL during Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy. A 10mm diameter, 66D magnifying button in the center of the lens enhances visualization and allows precise laser focus on the posterior cap..

Ocular Mainster Wide Field
For panretinal photocoagulation in proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Excellent ophthalmoscopic resolution. Image binocularity across the entire field of view. Allows a very wide range of slit lamp magnifications to be used. Image Mag: .68x ..